
Similarity-based Ontology Alignment in OWL-Lite

, and . Proceedings of the 16th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence (ECAI-04), page 333-337. IOS Press, (2004)


Interoperability of heterogeneous systems on the Web will be admittedly achieved through an agreement between the un- derlying ontologies. However, the richer the ontology description language, the more complex the agreement process, and hence the more sophisticated the required tools. Among current ontology align- ment paradigms, similarity-based approaches are both powerful and flexible enough for aligning ontologies expressed in languages like OWL. We define a universal measure for comparing the entities of two ontologies that is based on a simple and homogeneous compar- ison principle: Similarity depends on the type of entity and involves all the features that make its deinition (such as superclasses, proper- ties, instances, etc.). One-to-many relationships and circularity in entity descriptions constitute the key dificulties in this context: These are dealt with through local matching of entity sets and iterative computation of recursively dependent similarities, respectively.


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