
Going with the flow: parameterized verification using message flows

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FMCAD '08: Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Formal Methods in Computer-Aided Design, page 1--8. Piscataway, NJ, USA, IEEE Press, (2008)


A message flow is a sequence of messages sent among processors during the execution of a protocol, usually illustrated with something like a message sequence chart. Protocol designers use message flows to describe and reason about their protocols. We show how to derive high-quality invariants from message flows and use these invariants to accelerate a state-of-the-art method for parameterized protocol verification called the CMP method. The CMP method works by iteratively strengthening and abstracting a protocol. The labor-intensive portion of the method is finding the protocol invariants needed for each iteration. We provide a new analysis of the CMP method proving it works with any sound abstraction procedure. This facilitates the use of a new abstraction procedure tailored to our protocol invariants in the CMP method. Our experience is that message-flow derived invariants get to the heart of protocol correctness in the sense that only couple of additional invariants are needed for the CMP method to converge.



  • @giuliano.losa
  • @dblp

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