
The Nominal Clauses of English and Albanian Language

. Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, (2017)


The Nominal Clauses function as like the noun phrases. This means that a nominal clause has subject i , object ii , complement or prepositional complement etc. The nominal groups are things “we usually add some information about it which shows how we experience or perceive the thing it is important to remember language is not reality itself, but only the way we see reality, the way we experience it”. iii We can usually test the Nominal Clause iv by seeing whether we can replace the clause with it or something, e.g.    i Shkelqim Millaku, The Subject Between Albanian and English Language, Anglisticum, Vol.3, No.4, 2014, http://anglisticum.aassee.eu/index.php/Anglisticum/article/view/621/1450   ii Shkelqim Millaku, The Direct Object, Anglisticum, Vol.5, No.1, 2015, http://anglisticum.aassee.eu/index.php/Anglisticum/article/view/233/1721 iii Angela Downing & Philip Locke, A university English grammar , London, 2002, p.407. iv Shkelqim Millaku, The 2016 WEI International Academic Conference Proceedings Vienna, Austria,  http://www.westeastinstitute.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Shkelqim-Millaku.pdf


The Nominal Clauses of English and Albanian Language | Millaku | Imperial Journal of Interdisciplinary Research

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