
Computer-aided embodiment design through the hybridization of mono objective optimizations for efficient innovation process

. Computers in Industry, 62 (4): 384-397 (2011)cited By (since 1996) 0.
DOI: 10.1016/j.compind.2010.12.008


Current product lifecycle management (PLM) systems properly support the development of a product from the embodiment design stage to detail design and manufacturing phases; on the contrary, marginal support is provided to the earliest stages of conceptual design. Besides, the front end of product development is supported by an emerging technology, namely computer-aided innovation systems (CAI), which nevertheless are still poorly integrated with the following phases of the design process. The paper presents an original computer-based approach aimed at supporting embodiment design phases, which results very efficient for improving the interoperability of CAI and PLM systems and thus at extending the domain of application of these tools. The potential of the approach proposed by the authors is clarified through three exemplary case studies. Β© 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

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