
The CRESST-II experiment is searching for dark matter particles via their elastic scattering off nuclei in a target material. The CRESST target consists of scintillating CaW0 4 crystals which are operated as cryogenic calorimeters at millikelvin temperatures and read out by transition edge sensors. Each interaction in the CaW0 4 target crystal produces a phonon signal and also a light signal that is measured by a secondary cryogenic calorimeter. The low energy thresholds of these detectors, combined with the presence of light nuclei in the target material, allow to probe the low-mass region of the parameter space for spin-independent dark matter-nucleon scattering with high sensitivity. In this contribution results from a blind analysis of one detector module operated in the latest measurement campaign are presented. An unprecedented sensitivity for the light dark matter has been obtained with 52kg live days and a threshold of 307eV for nuclear recoils, extending the reach of direct dark matter searches to the sub-GeV/c 2 region.


New results on low-mass dark matter from the CRESST-II experiment - IOPscience

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