
Double-peaked Lyman-$\alpha$ emission at z=6.803: a reionisation-era galaxy self-ionising its local HII bubble

, , , , and . (2020)cite arxiv:2010.06241Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 7 pages, 4 figures, 3 tables.


We report the discovery of a double-peaked Lyman-alpha profile in a galaxy at $z=6.803$, A370p\_z1, in the parallel Frontier Field of Abell 370. The velocity separation between the blue and red peaks of the Lyman-$\alpha$ profile ($\Delta v=101_-19^+38 (\pm48)\,km s^-1$) suggests an extremely high escape fraction of ionising photons $> 59(51)\% (2\sigma)$. The spectral energy distribution indicates a young ($50$ Myr), star-forming ($126 \, M_yr^-1$) galaxy with an IRAC excess implying strong OIII+H$\beta$ emission. On the basis of the high escape fraction measured, we demonstrate that A370p\_z1 was solely capable of creating an ionised bubble sufficiently large to account for the blue component of its Lyman-alpha profile. We discuss whether A370p\_z1 may be representative of a larger population of luminous $z\simeq7$ double-peaked Lyman-alpha emitting sources with high escape fractions that self-ionised their surroundings without contributions from associated UV-fainter sources.


Double-peaked Lyman-$\alpha$ emission at z=6.803: a reionisation-era galaxy self-ionising its local HII bubble

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