
Performance Evaluation for the DIPDAM scheme on the OLSR and the AODV MANETs Routing Protocols

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2013)


the DIPDAM scheme is a fully-distributed message exchange framework designed to overcome the challenges caused by the decentralized and dynamic characteristics of mobile ad-hoc networks. The DIPDAM mechanism is based on three parts Path Validation Message (PVM) enables E2E feedback loop between the source and the destination, Attacker Finder Message (AFM) to detect attacker node through the routing path, and Attacker Isolation Message (AIM) to isolate the attacker from routing path and update the black list for each node then trigger to neighbors with updated information. The DIPDAM scheme was fully tested on the OLSR routing protocol. In order to prove the efficiency of DIPDAM scheme on detection and isolation packet dropping attackers, DIPDAM is applied to another routing protocol category, AODV. AODV represents different concepts in routing path calculation and it is widely adopted. The comparison between the two routing protocol is tested on smart attackers. The goal from this comparison is to prove that the DIPDAM scheme can be applied to a different routing protocols category.

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