

. Computer Science & Engineering: An International Journal, 08 (01): 01-08 (February 2018)
DOI: 10.5121/cseij.2018.8101


Due to big data progress in biomedical and healthcare communities, accurate study of medical data benefits early disease recognition, patient care and community services. When the quality of medical data is incomplete the exactness of study is reduced. Moreover, different regions exhibit unique appearances of certain regional diseases, which may results in weakening the prediction of disease outbreaks. In the proposed system, it provides machine learning algorithms for effective prediction of various disease occurrences in disease-frequent societies. It experiment the altered estimate models over real-life hospital data collected. To overcome the difficulty of incomplete data, it use a latent factor model to rebuild the missing data. It experiment on a regional chronic illness of cerebral infarction. Using structured and unstructured data from hospital it use Machine Learning Decision Tree algorithm and Map Reduce algorithm. To the best of our knowledge in the area of medical big data analytics none of the existing work focused on both data types. Compared to several typical estimate algorithms, the calculation exactness of our proposed algorithm reaches 94.8% with a convergence speed which is faster than that of the CNNbased unimodal disease risk prediction (CNN-UDRP) algorithm.

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