
Full-Service Community Schools: Creating New Institutions

. Phi Delta Kappan, 83 (5): 393 (January 2002)M3: Article; Accession Number: 5842121; Dryfoos, Joy; Source Info: Jan2002, Vol. 83 Issue 5, p393; Subject Term: COMMUNITY schools; Subject Term: COMMUNITY & school -- United States; Subject Term: SCHOOLS -- Centralization; Subject Term: SCHOOLS -- United States; Subject Term: UNITED States; Number of Pages: 7p; Document Type: Article; Full Text Word Count: 4968.


Focuses on the proliferation of full-service community schools in the United States. Description of these community-centered schools; History behind the schools; Way that they offer an alternative to traditional schools for students, families, teachers, and service providers; Importance of community service and partnership to these schools; Question of how effective community schools are; Comparison to traditional schools; Future outlook.


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