
Abstract An assay was developed for characterization of protein kinase inhibitors in lysates of mammalian cells based on measurement of \FRET\ between overexpressed red fluorescent protein (TagRFP)-fused protein kinases (PKs) and luminophore-labelled small-molecule inhibitors (ARC-Photo probes). Two types of the assay, one using TagRFP as the photoluminescence donor together with ARC-Photo probes comprising red fluorophore dyes as acceptor, and the other using TagRFP as the acceptor fluorophore in combination with a terbium cryptate-based long-lifetime photo-luminescence donor, were used for FRET-based measurements in lysates of the cells overexpressing TagRFP-fused PKs. The second variant of the assay enabled the performance of the measurements in time-resolved conditions that lead to substantially higher values of the signal/background ratio and further improved the reliability of the assay.


FRET-based screening assay using small-molecule photoluminescent probes in lysate of cells overexpressing RFP-fused protein kinases

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