
O(a) improvement of the axial current in lattice QCD to one-loop order of perturbation theory

, und . Nuclear Physics B, 479 (1-2): 429 - 458 (1996)
DOI: 10.1016/0550-3213(96)00448-8


The conservation of the isovector axial current in lattice QCD with massless Wilson quarks is studied to one-loop order of perturbation theory. Following a strategy described in a previous publication, the O(a) counterterm required for on-shell improvement of the current is computed. We also confirm an earlier result of Wohlert for the coefficient in front of the SW term in the improved action.


ScienceDirect - Nuclear Physics B : O(a) improvement of the axial current in lattice QCD to one-loop order of perturbation theory

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