
MHD Modeling of Coronal Large-Amplitude Waves Related to CME Lift-off

, , und . Solar Physics, 253 (1): 249--261 (Dezember 2008)


Abstract  We have employed a two-dimensional magnetohydrodynamic simulation code to study mass motions and large-amplitude coronal waves related to the lift-off of a coronal mass ejection (CME). The eruption of the filament is achieved by an artificial forceacting on the plasma inside the flux rope. By varying the magnitude of this force, the reaction of the ambient corona to CMEswith different acceleration profiles can be studied. Our model of the ambient corona is gravitationally stratified with aquadrupolar magnetic field, resulting in an ambient Alfvén speed that increases as a function of height, as typically deducedfor the low corona. The results of the simulations show that the erupting flux rope is surrounded by a shock front, whichis strongest near the leading edge of the erupting mass, but also shows compression near the solar surface. For rapidly acceleratingfilaments, the shock front forms already in the low corona. Although the speed of the driver is less than the Alfvén speednear the top of the atmosphere, the shock survives in this region as well, but as a freely propagating wave. The leading edgeof the shock becomes strong early enough to drive a metric type II burst in the corona. The speed of the weaker part of theshock front near the surface is lower, corresponding to the magnetosonic speed there. We analyze the (line-of-sight) emissionmeasure of the corona during the simulation and recognize a wave receding from the eruption site, which strongly resemblesEIT waves in the low corona. Behind the EIT wave, we clearly recognize a coronal dimming, also observed during CME lift-off.We point out that the morphology of the hot downstream region of the shock would be that of a hot erupting loop, so care hasto be taken not to misinterpret soft X-ray imaging observations in this respect. Finally, the geometry of the magnetic fieldaround the erupting mass is analyzed in terms of precipitation of particles accelerated in the eruption complex. Field linesconnected to the shock are further away from the photospheric neutral line below the filament than the field lines connectedto the current sheet below the flux rope. Thus, if the DC fields in the current sheet accelerate predominantly electrons andthe shock accelerates ions, the geometry is consistent with recent observations of gamma rays being emitted further out fromthe neutral line than hard X-rays.


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