
Combined structural and magnetotelluric investigation across the West Fault Zone in nothern Chile

. Universität Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, (2002)


The characterisation of the internal architecture of large-scale fault zones is usually restricted to the outcrop-based investigation of fault-related structural damage on the Earth's surface. A method to obtain information on the downward continuation of a fault is to image the subsurface electrical conductivity structure.This work deals with such a combined investigation of a segment of the West Fault, which itself is a part of the more than 2000 km long trench-linked Precordilleran Fault System in the northern Chilean Andes. Activity on the fault system lasted from Eocene to Quaternary times. In the working area (22 deg 04'S, 68 deg 53'W), the West Fault exhibits a clearly defined surface trace with a constant strike over many tens of kilometers. Outcrop condition and morphology of the study area allow ideally for a combination of structural geology investigation and magnetotelluric (MT) / geomagnetic depth sounding (GDS) experiments. The aim was to achieve an understanding of the correlation of the two methods and to obtain a comprehensive view of the West Fault's internal architecture.Fault-related brittle damage elements (minor faults and slip-surfaces with or without striation) record prevalent strike-slip deformation on subvertically oriented shear planes. Dextral and sinistral slip events occurred within the fault zone and indicate reactivation of the fault system. Youngest deformation increments mapped in the working area are extensional and the findings suggest a different orientation of the extension axes on either side of the fault. Damage element density increases with approach to the fault trace and marks an approximately 1000 m wide damage zone around the fault. A region of profound alteration and comminution of rocks, about 400 m wide, is centered in the damage zone. Damage elements in this central part are predominantly dipping steeply towards the east (70-80 deg).Within the same study area, the electrical conductivity image of the subsurface was measured along a 4 km long MT/GDS profile. This main profile trends perpendicular to the West Fault trace. The MT stations of the central 2 km were 100 m apart from each other. A second profile with 300 m site spacing and 9 recording sites crosses the fault a few kilometers away from the main study area. Data were recorded in the frequency range from 1000 Hz to 0.001 Hz with four real time instruments S.P.A.M. MkIII.The GDS data reveal the fault zone for both profiles at frequencies above 1 Hz. Induction arrows indicate a zone of enhanced conductivity several hundred meters wide, that aligns along the WF strike and lies mainly on the eastern side of the surface trace. A dimensionality analysis of the MT data justifies a two dimensional model approximation of the data for the frequency range from 1000 Hz to 0.1 Hz. For this frequency range a regional geoelectric strike parallel to the West Fault trace could be recovered. The data subset allows for a resolution of the conductivity structure of the uppermost crust down to at least 5 km.Modelling of the MT data is based on an inversion algorithm developed by Mackie et al. (1997). The features of the resulting resistivity models are tested for their robustness using empirical sensitivity studies. This involves variation of the properties (geometry, conductivity) of the anomalies, the subsequent calculation of forward or constrained inversion models and check for consistency of the obtained model results with the data. A fault zone conductor is resolved on both MT profiles. The zones of enhanced conductivity are located to the east of the West Fault surface trace. On the dense MT profile, the conductive zone is confined to a width of about 300 m and the anomaly exhibits a steep dip towards the east (about 70 deg). Modelling implies that the conductivity increase reaches to a depth of at least 1100 m and indicates a depth extent of less than 2000 m. Further conductive features are imaged but their geometry is less well constrained.The fault zone conductors of both MT profiles coincide in position with the alteration zone. For the dense profile, the dip of the conductive anomaly and the dip of the damage elements of the central part of the fault zone correlate. This suggests that the electrical conductivity enhancement is causally related to a mesh of minor faults and fractures, which is a likely pathway for fluids. The interconnected rock-porosity that is necessary to explain the observed conductivity enhancement by means of fluids is estimated on the basis of the salinity of several ground water samples (Archie's Law). The deeper the source of the water sample, the more saline it is due to longer exposure to fluid-rock interaction and the lower is the fluid's resistivity. A rock porosity in the range of 0.8\% - 4\% would be required at a depth of 200 m. That indicates that fluids penetrating the damaged fault zone from close to the surface are sufficient to explain the conductivity anomalies. This is as well supported by the preserved geochemical signature of rock samples in the alteration zone. Late stage alteration processes were active in a low temperature regime (<95C) and the involvement of ascending brines from greater depth is not indicated. The limited depth extent of the fault zone conductors is a likely result of sealing and cementation of the fault fracture mesh due to dissolution and precipitation of minerals at greater depth and increased temperature.Comparison of the results of the apparently inactive West Fault with published studies on the electrical conductivity structure of the currently active San Andreas Fault, suggests that the depth extent and conductivity of the fault zone conductor may be correlated to fault activity. Ongoing deformation will keep the fault/fracture mesh permeable for fluids and impede cementation and sealing of fluid pathways. urn:nbn:de:kobv:517-0000569

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