
Differently from the simple link manager functionality built into a browser, the new breed of link manager is a server-side web application that enables links to be tagged for easy retrieval and is increasingly being opened up to manage public rather than (or sometimes in addition to) private sets of links. The following elements are usually present in varying degrees: * Personal user accounts (groups sometimes provided) * Mechanism for entering links, titles and descriptions * Browser bookmarklets to facilitate entry n18 * Classification by 'open' or 'free' tagging * Search by tag or user (Boolean combinations sometimes allowed) * Querying of links based on popularity, users, tags, etc. * RSS feeds * Extensions such as browser plug-ins In many ways these new tools resemble blogs stripped down to the bare essentials. Here the essential unit of information is a link, not a story – but a link decorated with a title, a description, tags and perhaps even personal recommendation points. It is still uncertain whether tagging will take off in the way that blogging has. And even if it does, nobody yet knows exactly what it will achieve or where it will go – but the road ahead beckons.

Links and resources

