
1. Introduction Introduction: Why Economics?, Meaning and Definitions of Economics, Economic and Non-economic Activities, Economic Groups, Introduction: Statistics, Meaning and Definition of Statistics, Importance of Statistics in Economics, Limitation of Statistics, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills HOTS, Value Based Questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 2. Collection of Data Introduction, Meaning of Collection of Data, Types of Data (Sources of Data), Methods of Collecting Primary Data, Questionnaire and Schedule, Census and Sample Investigation Techniques, Sampling and Non-Sampling Errors, Sources of Secondary Data, Census of India And NSSO, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Value Based Questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 3. Organisation of Data Introduction, Meaning and Definition of Classification, Objectives of Classification, Methods of Classification, Variable, Statistical Series, Individual Series, Discrete Series (Ungrouped Frequency Distribution or Frequency Array), Continuous Series or Grouped Frequency Distribution, Types of Continuous Series, Bivariate Frequency distribution, General Rules for Constructing a Frequency Distribution, or How to prepare a frequency distribution?, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTs), Value Base Questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 4. Presentation of Data : Tabular Presentation Introduction, Textual Presentation of Data (Descriptive Presentation), Tabular Presentation of Data, Objectives of Tabulation, Essential Parts of Table, Type of Table, Solved Examples, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Value Based Questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 5. Presentation of Data : Diagrammatic Presentation Introduction, Utility or Advantages of Diagrammatic Presentation, Limitations of Diagrams, General Principles/Rules for Diagrammatic Presentation, Types of Diagrams, Bar Diagram, Pie Diagram, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Question, Long Answer Type Question, Numerical Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 6. Presentation of Data: Graphic Presentation Introduction, Advantages of Graphic Presentation, Construction of a Graph, False Base Line (Kinked Line), Types of Graphs, Limitation of Graphic Presentations, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Multiple Choice Question (MCQs). 7. Measures of Central Tendency Arithmetic Mean Introduction, Meaning and Definition, Objectives and Significance or uses of Average, Requisites or Essentials of an Ideal Average, Types or Kinds of Statistical Averages, Arithmetic Mean (X), Calculation of Arithmetic Mean in Different Frequency Distribution (Additional Cases), Calculation of Missing Value, Corrected Mean, Combined Arithmetic Mean, Mathematical Properties of Arithmetic Mean, Merits and Demerits of Arithmetic Mean, Weighted Arithmetic Mean, List of Formulae, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Miscellaneous Questions, Multiples Choice Questions (MCQs). 8. Measures of Central Tendency Median and Mode Median, Determination of Median, Calculation of Median in Different Frequency Distribution (Additional Cases), Partition Values (Measures of Position or Positional Values based on The principle of Median), Mode (Z), Computation of Mode, Calculation of Mode in Different Frequency Distribution (Additional Cases), Relationship between Mean, Median and Mode, Comparison between Mean, Median and Mode, Choice of a Suitable Average, Typical Illustration, List of Formulae, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Miscellaneous Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Value Based Questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 9. Measure of Dispersion Introduction, Meaning and Definition, Objectives and Significance, Characteristics of Good Measure of Dispersion, Methods of Measurement of Dispersion, Types of Dispersion, Range, Inter-Quartile Range and Quaritle Deviation, Mean Deviation (Average Deviation), Standard Deviation (s), Relationship between Different Measures of Dispersion, Lorenz Curve, Choice of A Suitable Measure of Dispersion, Typical Illustrations, List of Formulae, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 10. Correlation Introduction, Meaning and Definitions, Types of Correlation, Coefficient of Correlation (r), Degree of Correlation, Techniques or Methods for Measuring Correlation, Scatter Diagram (Dotogram Method), Karl Pearson’s Coefficient of Correlation, Spearman’s Rank Correlation, Typical Illustrations, List of Formulae, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Miscellaneous Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Value Based Questions, Multiple Choice Questions. 11. Index Numbers Introduction, Characteristics or Features, Precautions in Constructions of Index Numbers (Problems), Types or Kinds of Index Numbers, Methods of Constructing Price Index Numbers, Simple Index Number (Unweighted), Weighted Index Numbers, Some Important Index Numbers, Significance or Uses of Index Numbers, Limitations of Index Numbers, List of Formulae, Key Points, Question Bank, Very Short Answer Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions, Long Answer Type Questions, Numerical Questions, Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS), Value Based Questions, Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs). 12. Mathematical Tools Used in Economics Slope of a Line, Slope of a Curve, Equation of a line. 13. Developing Projects in Economics Introduction, Steps Towards Making A Project, Suggested List of Projects.

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