
In this paper, we adopt a system-oriented approach to the collabora-tive tagging and define it as a set of interactions in the system of Web re-sources. First, the system of Web resources is modeled as a set of interacting agents and collaborative tagging is represented as concurrent initiation of inter-actions between agents in the system. Also, we define concept of knowledge for individual agents. Later we use concepts of interaction and knowledge to give definition of a Link. Then, for a given Universal Set of Resources, we introduce Tag Cloud System (TCS) and definition of (possibly fuzzy) collections of re-sources. Finally, we introduce concept of Class, based on projection of collec-tions of resources in the TCS, to lay down some of the groundwork towards TCS-based type system.


The Semantics of Collaborative Tagging System | Mendeley

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  • @veronicasu
  • @dbenz
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