
The aim of this work was to investigate whether beat-to-beat alternation in the amplitude of the systolic Ca$^2+$ transient (Ca$^2+$ alternans) is due to changes of sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca$^2+$ content, and if so, whether the alternans arises due to a change in the gain of the feedback controlling SR Ca$^2+$ content. We found that, in rat ventricular myocytes, stimulating with small (20 mV) depolarizing pulses produced alternans of the amplitude of the Ca$^2+$ transient. Confocal measurements showed that the larger transients resulted from propagation of Ca$^2+$ waves. SR Ca$^2+$ content (measured from caffeine-evoked membrane currents) alternated in phase with the alternans of Ca$^2+$ transient amplitude. After a large transient, if SR Ca$^2+$ content was elevated by brief exposure of the cell to a Na$^+$-free solution, then the alternans was interrupted and the next transient was also large. This shows that changes of SR Ca$^2+$ content are sufficient to produce alternans. The dependence of Ca$^2+$ transient amplitude on SR content was steeper under alternating than under control conditions. During alternation, the Ca$^2+$ efflux from the cell was also a steeper function of SR Ca$^2+$ content than under control. We attribute these steeper relationships to the fact that the larger responses in alternans depend on wave propagation and that wave propagation is a steep function of SR Ca$^2+$ content. In conclusion, alternans of systolic Ca$^2+$ appears to depend on alternation of SR Ca$^2+$ content. This, in turn results from the steep dependence on SR Ca$^2+$ content of Ca$^2+$ release and therefore Ca$^2+$ efflux from the cell as a consequence of wave propagation.


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