
Expert Finding Systems for Organizations: Problem and Domain Analysis and the DEMOIR Approach

, and . Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce, 13 (1): 1-24 (2003)


Computer systems that augment the process of finding the right expert for a given problem in an organization or world-wide are becoming feasible more than ever before, thanks to the prevalence of corporate Intranets and the Internet. This paper investigates such systems in two parts. We first explore the expert finding problem in depth, review and analyze existing systems in this domain, and suggest a domain model that can serve as a framework for design and development decisions. Based on our analyses of the problem and solution spaces, we then bring to light the gaps that remain to be addressed. Finally, we present our approach called DEMOIR, which is a modular architecture for expert finding systems that is based on a centralized expertise modeling server while also incorporating decentralized components for expertise information gathering and exploitation.

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