
Construction of Ontology-Based Software Repositories by Text Mining

, , , und . Computational Science – ICCS 2007 7th International Conference, Beijing, China, May 27 - 30, 2007, Proceedings, Part III, Seite 790--797. (2007)


Software document repositories store artifacts produced in the course of developing software products. But most repositories are simply archives of documents. It is not unusual to find projects where different software artifacts are scattered in unrelatedrepositories with varying levels of granularity and without a centralized management system. This makes the information availablein existing repositories difficult to reuse. In this paper, a methodology for constructing an ontology-based repository ofreusable knowledge is presented. The information in the repository is extracted from specification documents using text mining.Ontologies are used to guide the extraction process and organize the extracted information. The methodology is being usedto develop a repository of recurring and crosscutting aspects in software specification documents.


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