
Formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules by short-range photoassociation

, and . (2011)cite arxiv:1107.0547.
DOI: 10.1039/c1cp21497g


Ultracold metastable RbCs molecules are observed in a double species MOT through photoassociation near the Rb(5S$_1/2$)+Cs(6P$_3/2$) dissociation limit followed by radiative stabilization. The molecules are formed in their lowest triplet electronic state and are detected by resonant enhanced two-photon ionization through the previously unobserved $(3)^3\Pi łeftarrow a^3\Sigma^+$ band. The large rotational structure of the observed photoassociation lines is assigned to the lowest vibrational levels of the $0^+,0^-$ excited states correlated to the Rb(5P$_1/2$)+Cs(6S$_1/2$) dissociation limit. This demonstrates the possibility to induce direct photoassociation in heteronuclear alkali-metal molecules at short internuclear distance, as pointed out in J. Deiglmayr et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 13304 (2008).


Formation of ultracold metastable RbCs molecules by short-range photoassociation

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