
Mobile learning as a catalyst for change

. Open Learning: The Journal of Open and Distance Learning, 25 (3): 181--185 (2010)


Editorial for the special issue dedicated to "Mobile learning: using portable technologies to create new learning". There is a rapidly growing body of evidence, from both research and practice, showing that mobile technologies can be used very effectively as learning and communication tools by a broad range of learners in a variety of settings. Mobile learning challenges educators to try to understand learners' needs, circumstances and abilities even better than before. This extends to understanding how learning takes place beyond the classroom, in the course of daily routines, commuting and travel, and in the intersection of education, life, work and leisure. Learning is open to all when it is inclusive, and mobile technologies are a powerful means of opening up learning to all those who might otherwise remain at the margins of education. Mobile learning challenges us to create new learning, in the form of new content, interactivity, means of support and knowledge sharing.

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