
Conduction velocity in peripheral nerves in healthy and sick children

. Neurol Neurochir Pol, 9 (6): 701--704 (1975)


Conduction velocity was determined in motor fibres of peripheral nerves in healthy children aged from 4 months to 15 years and in children with spinal muscular atrophy, untreated phenylketonuria, myopathies and infantile cerebral palsy. Conduction velocity equalling that in adults is reached in the ulnar and peroneal nerves at the age of about 3 years, in the median nerve somewhat later (at the age of 4-5 years). In cases of untreated phenylketonuria, myopathies and infantile cerebral palsy conduction velocity was about normal. In spinal muscular atrophy decreased conduction velocity in the youngest children may indicate delayed myelination of peripheral nerves.

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