
Understanding trends in the patent domain : user perceptions on trends and trend related concepts

, , , and . Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Patent Mining and Its Applications (IPaMin 2014) co-located with Konvens 2014, 1292, Hildesheim, (2014)


The proceeding globalization in combination with an in- creasing competition in research conducted at universities and other research institutes as well as in industry, empha- sises the necessity of identifying trends at an early stage, not only in industry but by universities and governments. One of the resources to be considered are patents, as most of the information contained therein is not published any- where else. The existing research focuses on the technical perspective of identifying trends in patents. This work ad- dresses the user perspective of the problem, in particular the user’s working environments, understanding of trends, the underlying tasks and the user requirements regarding a trend mining system are examined.

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