
The Physical Nature of the Most Metal-Poor Damped Lyman Alpha Systems

, и . (2015)cite arxiv:1511.07060Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures. Submitted to MNRAS in July 2015.


Utilizing the high-resolution, large-scale LAOZI cosmological simulations we investigate the nature of the metal-poor ($Z/H<-2$) damped Lyman alpha systems (mpDLA) at $z=3$. The following physical picture of mpDLAs emerges. The majority of mpDLAs inhabit regions $20$~kpc from the host galaxy center on infalling cold gas streams originating from the intergalactic medium, with infall velocity of $100$ km/s and temperature of $10^4$ K. For each host galaxy, on average, about $1\%$ of the area within a radius $150$~kpc is covered by mpDLAs. The mpDLAs are relatively diffuse ($n_gas \sim 10^-2$ cm$^-3$), Jeans quasi-stable, and have very low star formation rate ($\Sigma 10^-4 \ yr^-1 \ kpc^-2$). As mpDLAs migrate inward to the galaxy center, they mix with high metallicity gas and stellar outflows in the process, removing themselves from the metal-poor category and rendering the central ($5$ kpc) regions of galaxies devoid of mpDLAs. Thus, the central regions of the host galaxies are populated by mostly metal-rich DLAs instead of mpDLAs. All observables of the simulated mpDLAs are in excellent agreement with observations, except the gas density, which is about a factor of ten lower than the value inferred observationally. However, the observationally inferred value is based on simplified assumptions that are not borne out in the simulations.


[1511.07060] The Physical Nature of the Most Metal-Poor Damped Lyman Alpha Systems

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