
Internal and External Influences on the University Teachers in Semester System

. International Journal of Emerging Sciences, 1 (1): 11-22 (April 2011)


There are so many influences a faculty member has to undergo at the higher education level in universities in semester system. We wanted to comb the universities for the internal and external influences on the university teachers and their consequences in Balochistan. It was done to determine the loss we bear due to the influences on the university teachers in Balochistan, and to generate such influence-free-mechanism in the universities of Balochistan to strengthen the educational milieu in the province. Faculty members play pivotal role in imparting the education at the higher education level in any country. They happen to be the nucleus of the education system. Disturbing and disrupting them in any was is, in effect, disturbing and disrupting the education process. Influencing them, directly or indirectly, halts the true teaching process. It creates many obstacles ranging from class boycotts, hunger strikes to processions and demonstrations either inside the institute or outside the institute. To forge such a composite mechanism not only to control these both internal and external factors in order to streamline the learning and imparting education process but also to afford a healthy and sound teaching environment.

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