
Evaluation of Orchestration and Access Principles for Cloud Applications

University of Würzburg, (September 2016)


The main goal of this thesis is to define, analyze, and evaluate different orchestration and access principles of highly distributed Internet applications. For this purpose, different cloud application types have to be defined. Thereafter three different ap- plications are modeled, measured, and evaluated during the course of this thesis, namely a cloud based picture gallery, a distributed video streaming application and an interactive image processing application. These applications are supposed to run within an existing OpenStack environment that was developed during an earlier Master’s thesis. In the modeling process of the applications, it has to be taken into account that these applications should be scalable in the horizontal, as well as in the vertical dimension. Scaling in the horizontal dimension corresponds to the duplication or migration of services to different locations on the Internet, while the vertical scaling of an application refers to the scaling of the application scope, the complexity of the application functionality, or the provided content quality for specific users. The remainder of this work is structured as follows: Background information about cloud applications and their architecture is presented in Chapter 2. Thereafter, we discuss work that is related to this thesis in Chapter 3. This is followed by a characterization of different cloud application types in Chapter 4. After that, the orchestration and access principles that are important to this work are briefly de- scribed in Chapter 5. Subsequently, we introduce the cloud applications and their corresponding testbeds that have been developed during this thesis in Chapter 6. These applications are then evaluated under consideration of the previously de- scribed orchestration and access principles in Chapter 7. Finally, we conclude this thesis and try to give an outlook for further work in this area in Chapter 8.



  • @uniwue_info3

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