
This little book which runs to 82 pages of text plus 13 pages of illustrations and 5 pages of bibliography rema\'ıns unequalled in its treatment of f\'ılm dub-bing, particularly the phonetic aspect. It was first published as a paper ¡n Filmkultúra, the Journal ofthe Mangar\'ıan Film Institute, in Budapest, in 1962. An enlarged and revised English versión was issued in 1969 in Acta Lingüistica Academiae Scientiarium Hungaricae. Finally, this third edition of \'ıstván Fodor's essay was published in 1976 underthe title Film Dubbing - Phonetic, Semiotic, Esthetic andPsychologicalAspects, in a versión wh\'ıch Fodor rendered 'more adapted to the EngUsh-speaking reader'

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