
The Spectroscopic Properties of Ly\alpha-Emitters at z $\approx$ 2.7: Escaping Gas and Photons from Faint Galaxies

, , , and . (2015)cite arxiv:1506.08205.


We present a spectroscopic survey of 318 faint $(R27$, $L\sim0.1L_*)$, Ly\alpha-emission-selected galaxies (LAEs) at 2.5<z<3. A sample of 32 LAEs with rest-frame optical spectra from Keck/MOSFIRE are used to interpret the LAE spectra in the context of their systemic redshifts. We find that the Ly\alpha emission of LAEs is typically less spectrally extended than among samples of more luminous continuum-selected galaxies (LBGs) at similar redshifts. Using the MOSFIRE subsample, we find that the peak of the Ly\alpha line is shifted by +200 km/s with respect to systemic across a diverse set of galaxies including both LAEs and LBGs. We also find a small number of objects with significantly blueshifted Ly\alpha emission, a potential indicator of accreting gas. The Ly\alpha-to-H\alpha line ratios suggest that the LAEs have Ly\alpha escape fractions $f_esc,Ly\alpha 30$%, significantly higher than typical LBG samples. Using redshifts calibrated by our MOSFIRE sample, we construct composite LAE spectra, finding the first evidence for metal-enriched outflows in such intrinsically-faint high-redshift galaxies. These outflows have smaller continuum covering fractions $(f_c 0.3)$ and velocities $(v_ave 100-200$ km/s, $v_max 500$ km/s$)$ than those associated with typical LBGs, suggesting that gas covering fraction is a likely driver of the high Ly\alpha and Ly-continuum escape fractions of LAEs. Our results suggest a similar scaling of outflow velocity with star formation rate as is observed at lower redshifts $(v_outflow SFR^0.25)$ and indicate that a substantial fraction of gas is ejected with $v > v_esc$.


[1506.08205] The Spectroscopic Properties of Ly{\alpha}-Emitters at z $\approx$ 2.7: Escaping Gas and Photons from Faint Galaxies

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