
10.5923/j.ijmc.20140404.01 Crystallization of Synthetic Wollastonite Prepared from Local Raw Materials

. international journal of materials and chemistry, 4 (4): 79-87 (сентября 2014)


Wollastonite (CaSiO3) has been synthesized by the solid state reaction method at a temperature range of 1050-1250℃ from local raw materials, e.g. silica sand and limestone as well as pure chemicals in the form of carbonate and quartz with and without B2O3 adding as a mineralized. The resulting products are investigated employing XRD and SEM techniques. β-wollastonite was obtained at 1050℃ and transformed to pseudowollastonite (α- CaSiO3) at 1150℃ due to the presence of B2O3. While the pure chemicals failed to give wollastonite at this range of temperature 1050-1150℃. As the temperature increased up to 1400℃, both experimental and standard samples have been melted.

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