
Quantum frustration in organic Mott insulators: from spin liquids to unconventional superconductors

, and . (2010)cite arxiv:1007.5381 Comment: 61 pages, 39 figures.


We review the interplay of frustration and strong electronic correlations in quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts, such as k-(BEDT-TTF)_2X and Et_nMe_4-nPnPd(dmit)22. These two forces drive a range of exotic phases including spin liquids, valence bond crystals, pseudogapped metals, and unconventional superconductivity. Of particular interest is that in several materials there is a direct transition as a function of pressure from a spin liquid Mott insulating state to a superconducting state. Experiments on these materials raise a number of profound questions about the quantum behaviour of frustrated systems, particularly the intimate connection between spin liquids and superconductivity. Insights into these questions have come from a wide range of theoretical techniques including first principles electronic structure, quantum many-body theory and quantum field theory. In this review we introduce the basic ideas of the field by discussing a simple frustrated Heisenberg model with four spins. We then describe the key experimental results, emphasizing that for two materials, k-(BEDT-TTF)_2Cu_2(CN)_3 and EtMe_3SbPd(dmit)_2_2, there is strong evidence for a spin liquid ground state, and for EtMe_3PPd(dmit)_2_2, a valence bond solid ground state. We review theoretical attempts to explain these phenomena, arguing that this can be captured by a Hubbard model on the anisotropic triangular lattice at half filling, and that resonating valence bond wavefunctions can capture most of the essential physics. We review evidence that this model can have a spin liquid ground state for a range of parameters that are realistic for the relevant materials. We conclude by summarising the progress made thus far and identifying some of the key questions still to be answered.


Quantum frustration in organic Mott insulators: from spin liquids to unconventional superconductors

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