
Development and fate of premature infants--then and now

. Monatsschr Kinderheilkd, 131 (10): 702--707 (October 1983)


New scientific results and progress in technology allow even premature infants with very low birth weight to survive today. A vehement discussion arouse about effectiveness and efficiency of intensive care programs for these infants. However, an appreciation of the results at present should not be made without taking note of those achieved in former decades. A. Ylpp? was the first pediatrician in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century, who was working systematically for the survival of low birth weight infants. He achieved remarkable results even at that time. After World War II the chances for survival of low birth weight infants became worse because of dangerous therapeutic innovations. In the 60's the frequency of serious sequelae could be reduced by improved therapeutic approaches. Since then the mortality rate is decreasing, whereas the frequency of serious sequelae remains nearly stable during the last 15 years. We hope that clinical research and new technologies may also reduce the morbidity of surviving premature babies in the future.

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