
« A-t-il commis une faute en étant pour toi miséricordieux? Pour moi, c'est trés admirable! » La christologie dans le deuxième poème dogmatique de Grégoire de Nazianze

. Bulletin de littérature ecclésiastique, (2008)


"Was it a mistake to be merciful?" : Christology in Grégoire de Nazianze's second dogmatic poem In a profoundly dense poem (as regards both style and content), Grégoire the theologist takes up the two main aspects of his christology : the eternal fathering of the Son and the soterological aspect of the Son's mission. Such a poem is obviously primarily addressed to the eunomians, a radical branch of Arianism. The theological argumentation is supported by the rythm and images suitable to poetry, which grants this work beauty and power.

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