
Trust, space, time and opportunities. Case study report on participation and non-formal education in the support for young people in transitions to work in West-Germany (WP 6)

, and . Institut für regionale Innovation und Sozialforschung, Tübingen, (2004)


This report presents West German findings of the European research project 'Youth policy and participation - Potentials of participation and informal learning in transitions to work (YOYO)'. It is based on the analysis of in-depth interviews with young people from two youth schemes and the evaluation of two case studies of the respective projects. ... Two projects have been selected which try to overcome this gap: La Silhouette (Munich) and Mobile Youth Work (Stuttgart). (DIPF/Orig.).; Fallstudienbericht zu Partizipation und non-formeller Bildung in Unterstützungsmaßnahmen für Jugendliche im Übergang in den Beruf. Westdeutscher Teil des Europäischen Forschungsprojekts YOYO (Jugendpolitik und Partizipation).(Autor).

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