
Observed Faraday Effects in Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers and Lyman Limit Systems: The Magnetised Environment of Galactic Building Blocks at Redshift=2

, , , , , and . (2016)cite arxiv:1609.01623Comment: Submitted to ApJ.


Protogalactic environments are typically identified using quasar absorption lines, and these galactic building blocks can manifest as Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers (DLAs) and Lyman Limit Systems (LLSs). We use radio observations of Faraday effects to test whether DLAs and LLSs host a magnetised medium, by combining DLA and LLS detections throughout the literature with 1.4 GHz polarization data from the NRAO VLA Sky Survey (NVSS). We obtain a control, a DLA, and a LLS sample consisting of 114, 19, and 27 lines-of-sight respectively - all of which are polarized at $\ge8\sigma$ to ensure Rician bias is negligible. Using a Bayesian framework, we are unable to detect either coherent or random magnetic fields in DLAs: the regular coherent magnetic fields within the DLAs must be $łe2.8$ $\mu$G, and the lack of depolarization is consistent with the weakly magnetised gas in DLAs being non-turbulent and quiescent. However, we find mild suggestive evidence that LLSs have coherent magnetic fields: after controlling for the redshift-distribution of our data, we find a 71.5% probability that LLSs have a higher RM than a control sample. We also find strong evidence that LLSs host random magnetic fields, with a 95.5% probability that LLS lines-of-sight have lower polarized fractions than a control sample. The regular coherent magnetic fields within the LLSs must be $łe2.4$ $\mu$G, and the magnetised gas must be highly turbulent with a typical scale on the order of $\approx5$-20 pc, which is similar to that of the Milky Way. This is consistent with the standard dynamo pedagogy, whereby magnetic fields in protogalaxies increase in coherence and strength as a function of cosmic time. Our results are consistent with a hierarchical galaxy formation scenario, with the DLAs, LLSs, and strong magnesium II (MgII) systems exploring three different stages of magnetic field evolution in galaxies.


[1609.01623] Observed Faraday Effects in Damped Lyman-Alpha Absorbers and Lyman Limit Systems: The Magnetised Environment of Galactic Building Blocks at Redshift=2

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