
Capturing contextual information, especially higher-level contexts enables systems to understand and predict the behaviour of a mobile user. This kind of information is mostly implicit contexts, which abstract a complex state of a situation and can only partly be captured by employing sensors. Higher-level context has the potential to make user-application interaction richer, simpler, and more intuitive. However, composing higher-level contexts from explicit, atomic contexts requires complex and painstaking reasoning procedures to resolve uncertainty due to inconsistent sensor readings and incomplete information. In this paper, we introduce a new approach that assists application developers to take higher-level contexts into account without the need to know the details of atomic contexts. To demonstrate our approach, we will introduce the Context-Aware E-Pad (CAEP) we have designed and implemented. CAEP “observes” the user making a decision and associates with it a set of atomic contexts. Likewise, correlated decisions are mapped to similar associations. By repeatedly “observing” the user making decisions, CAEP can predict user’s wishes and behaviours.

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