
Entwicklung eines serviceorientierten Informationssystems für Phänotypisierungsmessungen im Freiland

, and . Referate der 36. GIL-Jahrestagung: "Intelligente Systeme - Stand der Technik und neue Möglichkeiten", volume 253 of Lecture Notes in Informatics (LNI), page 25-28. Gesellschaft für Informatik in der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft, GI, (February 2016)


The wide range of available measurement methods and sensor platforms in plant phenotyping or field research and the lack of standards in the field of data management and experimental planning led to the development of a flexible task management and information system: “FuRIOS”. For a high interoperability and simple use of free GIS clients’ well-known OGC standards (Open Geospatial Consortium) have been used. FuRIOS has three subsystems for managing (field) measurement tasks, storing experimental results and to provide and save geospatial data. For this only freely available open source software components have been used. Based on a pre-defined test scenarios based on a UAV-based RGB camera system (IBG-2 Fieldcopter) FuRIOS has been successfully validated in the field. In future, the integration of other IBG-2 sensor platforms is planned.


This article was presented at the 36th GIL annual meeting in Osnabrück 2016: "Intelligente Systeme - Stand der Technik und neue Möglichkeiten"

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