
Study Of Indian Banks Websites For Cyber Crime Safety Mechansim

. International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications(IJACSA), (2011)


The human society has undergone tremendous changes from time to time with rapid pace at social level from the beginning and technological level ever since the rise of technologies. This technology word changes the human life in every manner and every sector. Banking field is one of them. Banking in India originated in the last decades of the 18th century. Since that time the banking sector applying different ways to provide facilities and securities to a common man regarding to money. Security issues play extremely important role in the implementation of technologies specially in banking sector. Further on it becomes more critical when it comes to the cyber security which is at the core of banking sector. After the arrival of Internet and WWW this banking sector is totally change specially in terms of security because now money is in your hand on a single click. Now user has number of choices to manage his money with different kind of methods. In this paper an attempt has been made to put forward various issues of Indian banks websites for cyber crime safety mechanism.

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