
The intent of this article is to examine noise regulation from a global perspective. Lessons drawn from the development of regulations in Europe, North America, and the Pacific regions have been extrapolated to the anticipated and emerging regulation of noise in other regions. The discussion is guided by four generalizations about national noise regulation:• Just as the psychological development of individuals begins with their addressing safety needs and evolves toward the consideration of aesthetics and spiritual well-being, noise laws focus first on basic needs and gradually move toward consideration of aesthetics and spiritual well-being.• The technology available when a noise law is enacted is likely to determine the enforcement procedures incorporated into that noise law.• Once a bureaucracy adopts a technological approach, it resists change to a better approach.• Globalization drives the harmonization of regulations concerned with low noise emission products and methods of assessing noise from transportation.By considering the lessons already learned by countries with existing noise regulations, developing countries have the opportunity to develop cost-efficient and enforceable regulations.

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