
<p>This paper addresses the problem of the supervised assessment of hierarchical region-based image representations. Given the large amount of partitions represented in such structures, the supervised assessment approaches in&nbsp;the literature are based on selecting a reduced set of representative partitions and&nbsp;evaluating their quality. Assessment results, therefore, depend on the partition selection strategy used. Instead, we propose to find the partition in the tree that best&nbsp;matches the ground-truth partition, that is, the upper-bound partition selection.</p><p>We show that different partition selection algorithms can lead to different conclusions regarding the quality of the assessed trees and that the <strong>upper-bound partition&nbsp;selection</strong> provides the following advantages: 1) it does not limit the assessment&nbsp;to a reduced set of partitions, and 2) it better discriminates the random trees from&nbsp;actual ones, which reflects a better qualitative behavior. We model the problem as&nbsp;a Linear Fractional Combinatorial Optimization (LFCO) problem, which makes&nbsp;the upper-bound selection feasible and efficient.</p>

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