
Improved field theory results for thermodynamic Casimir forces in slabs with periodic boundary conditions

, and . Abstract Book of the XXIII IUPAP International Conference on Statistical Physics, Genova, Italy, (9-13 July 2007)


Thermodynamic Casimir forces in $ınfty^d-1L$ slabs with periodic boundary conditions are studied within the framework of the $n$-component $\phi^4$ model. Recent work 1 has revealed that conventional renormalization-group (RG) improved perturbation theory in $d=4-\epsilon$ dimensions breaks down at the bulk critical temperature $T_c,ınfty$ whenever Landau theory involves a zero mode (as it does in the case of periodic boundary conditions). The reorganization of field theory introduced there is utilized to compute finite-size scaling functions of the Casimir force and the excess free energy. The results show that the approach cures a number of salient features by which previous results based on conventional RG improved perturbation theory were plagued, such as qualitatively incorrect dependence on $n$, problematic behavior for $L/\xi_ınfty0$ (where $\xi_ınfty$ is the bulk correlation length), and violation of analyticity requirements of the scaling functions at $T_c,ınfty$. \noindent\newline 1) H.~W. Diehl, Daniel Grueneberg and M.~A. Shpot, Europhys. Lett. 75, 241 (2006)

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