
Computational genetics, physiology, metabolism, neural systems, learning, vision, and behavior or PolyWorld: Life in a new context

. Artificial Life III, Vol. XVII of SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Santa Fe Institute, page 263--298. Los Alamos, New Mexico, Addison-Wesley, (1993)


This paper discusses a computer model of living organisms and the ecology they exist in called PolyWorld. PolyWorld attempts to bring together all the principle components of real living systems into a single artificial (man-made) living system. PolyWorld brings together biologically motivated genetics, simple simulated physiologies and metabolisms, Hebbian learning in arbitrary neural network architectures, a visual perceptive mechanism, and a suite of primitive behaviors in artificial organisms grounded in an ecology just complex enough to foster speciation and inter-species competition. Predation, mimicry, sexual reproduction, and even communication are all supported in a straightforward fashion. The resulting survival strategies, both individual and group, are purely emergent, as are the functionalities embodied in their neural network &\#034;brains&\#034;. Complex behaviors resulting from the simulated neural activity are unpredictable, and change as natural selection acts over multiple generations. In many ways, PolyWorld may be thought of as a sort of electronic primordial soup experiment, in the vein of Urey and Miller&\#039;s 33 classic experiment, only commencing at a much higher level of organization. While one could claim that Urey and Miller really just threw a bunch of ingredients in a pot and watched to see what happened, the reason these men made a contribution to science rather than ratatouille is that they put the right ingredients in the right pot ... and watched to see what happened. Here we start with software-coded genetics and various simple nerve cells (lightsensitive, motor, and unspecified neuronal) as the ingredients, and place them in a competitive ecological crucible which subjects them to an internally consistent physics and the process of natural selectio...

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