
Recent developments in the eld of semi-immersive display technologies provide new possibilities for engaging users in interactive three-dimensional virtual environments (VEs). For instance, combining low-cost tracking systems (such as the Microsoft Kinect) and multi-touch interfaces enables inexpensive and easily maintainable interactive setups. The goal of this work is to bring together virtual as well as real objects on a stereoscopic multitouch enabled tabletop surface. Therefore, we present a prototypical implementation of such a mixed reality (MR) space for tangible interaction by extending the smARTbox FLBS12. The smARTbox is a responsive touch-enabled stereoscopic out-of-the-box system that is able to track users and objects above as well as on the surface. We describe the prototypical hardand software setup which extends this setup to a MR space, and highlight design challenges for the several application examples.

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  • @mfischbach
  • @hci-uwb
  • @mcm
  • @simulator-x
  • @marcerich
  • @dblp
  • @ctreffs
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