
While the Semantic Web has evolved to support the mean- ingful exchange of heterogeneous data through shared and controlled conceptualisations, Web 2.0 has demonstrated that large-scale commu- nity tagging sites can enrich the semantic web with readily accessible and valuable knowledge. In this paper, we investigate the integration of a movies folksonomy with a semantic knowledge base about user- movie rentals. The folksonomy is used to enrich the knowledge base with descriptions and categorisations of movie titles, and user interests and opinions. Using tags harvested from the Internet Movie Database, and movie rating data gathered by Netflix, we perform experiments to inves- tigate the question that folksonomy-generated movie tag-clouds can be used to construct better user profiles that reflect a user'\Ä\ôs level of interest in different kinds of movies, and therefore, provide a basis for prediction of their rating for a previously unseen movie.

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  • @andreacapocci
  • @inmantang
@inmantang- тэги данного пользователя выделены