
The research described in this thesis aimed at ! obtaining insight into the applicability of the concept Supply Chain Management (SCM) in food supply chains (SCs) from a logistical point of view, and " finding an efficient and effective method to analyse and redesign the SC to improve SC performance. Via a multidisciplinary literature research the concept of SCM was defined and a generic list of SCM redesign principles was generated. Three case studies were used to devise a research method on the generation, modelling and evaluation of SC scenarios. Central elements in this method are ! the focus on the identification and management of the sources of uncertainties in SC decision making processes, and " the use of simulation and field tests to evaluate SC scenarios. A modelling framework was developed in this research that captures the relevant concepts of the SC system needed to adequately model and simulate the dynamic behaviour of food SCs. In each case study a new SC scenario could be identified that performed considerably better than the current scenario.

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