
Effect of alcohol and congeners on aggressive response in Betta splendens

, and . Quarterly Journal of Studies on Alcohol. Supplement, (May 1970)


Measured the aggressive response of 12 male Siamese fighting fish before and after 6 hr. of immersion in individual tanks containing 1 of 3 test solutions: 285 mg of ethanol/100 ml, commercial bourbon whisky diluted to the same ethanol concentration, and a congener solution diluted to contain amounts of congeners similar to that of the 2nd test solution and containing 10 mg of ethanol/100 ml. Groups were reversed a wk. later so that 12 Ss were tested as both control and test in all 3 conditions. The accumulated time the gill membrane of the S was lowered in response to a 3-min exposure to its mirror image was used as an index of aggressive response. In the ethanol solution the mean accumulated gill show increased by 11.42 sec. (p < .05), in the bourbon and congener solutions the aggressive response decreased by 24.75 (p < .001) and 19.33 sec. (p < .005), respectively. In the congener solution 5 of the 12 Ss showed no aggressive response whereas all the Ss in the bourbon solution showed some residual aggression after the 6-hr immersion. Results suggest that the behavioral effects of congeners and ethanol involve different physiological mechanisms.

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