
Transverse coupling in fiber optics part III: Bending losses

. Bell System Technical Journal, The, 53 (7): 1379-1394 (September 1974)
DOI: 10.1002/j.1538-7305.1974.tb02795.x


A general method is proposed to evaluate the radiation loss of bent open waveguides. This method consists in evaluating the coupling between the waveguide mode and the whispering-gallery modes that can be associated with the surrounding medium. The expression obtained for a reactive surface coincides with a previous result by Miller and Talanov.<sup>1</sup> We investigate in detail the radiation loss of the fundamental (HE<inf>11</inf>) mode of a dielectric rod coupled to a slab. This arrangement, described in Part II of this article series,<sup>2</sup> provides a useful mode-selection technique. The radiation loss is given by a simple closed-form expression. We find that for a wavelength of 1 &#x00B5;m and a rod radius of 5 &#x00B5;m in physical contact with the slab, the bending loss is less than 1 dB/km if the radius of curvature, in the plane of the slab, exceeds 22 mm.


IEEE Xplore Abstract - Transverse coupling in fiber optics part III: Bending losses

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