
Vandalismamong Students Ofislamic Azad University Of Mashhad – Iran

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Reviews of Progress, (February 2014)


The present study was aimed to investigate the Vandalysm at the Islamic Azad University of Mashhad. The study employed survey study design and Stratified random sampling technique was employed for sample selection. The population consisted of 328 students of Islamic Azad University of Mashhad in the second semester of Academic year 2012-13 which recruited bythe Researcher made Inventory. To assess the relaiability, Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used and validity wasmeasured by the content validity.Cronbach's alpha coefficient of research questions was(680/0). Spearman's correlation coefficient, linear regression and Comparison of Means were used to test the hypotheses. All these statistical calculations were done through SPSS for windows (version 16.0). The results showed that: a) Overhalf of the respondentshaveneverhad Vandalisticbehavior. b)There is adirect and significant relationshipbetween thesense ofanomie andVandalistic behavior.c) There is adirect and significant relationshipbetween the tendency todeviategroupsandVandalistic behavior.d) There is adirect and significant relationshipbetween themembranceof deviategroupsand Vandalistic behavior.e) There is adirect and significant relationshipbetween thebully behavior, intertaintment andVandalistic behavior.Results of regression analysisshow that various aspects ofindependent variablealone can explain the24% of thetotal variation of vandalistic behaviors, andthe rest is the contribution of othervariables.Bully behavior, intertaintmentandmembrance of deviategroups have highestimpact on vandalisticbehaviorrespevtively



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