Artikel in einem Konferenzbericht,

Cognitive Diagnosis Using Student Attributions

Computers in Learning in Tertiary education: Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Conference of the Australian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education (ASCILITE-88), Seite 502-514. (1988)


This paper details an approach to cognitive diagnosis that enables the inference of detailed models of a student's conceptualisation of a domain. This model is constructed be examining the attributes of the problems that the student has tackled and the student's performance while tackling those problems. A feature network is used to represent educationally relevant domain knowledge. This approach has low implementation and operational overheads; It provides a detailed model of the student's conceptualisation of the subject domain in terms of elements of knowledge from that domain; Student models are not restricted to overlays of predefined correct and/or incorrect knowledge; It does not require that the instructional designer anticipate the possible forms of error that may occur; It is robust in the face of partial evaluation of student performance; It is also robust in the face of the instructional designer's failure to incorporate relevant aspects of the subject domain in the knowledge-base; The student models can be executed; It supports accurate diagnosis of multiple viewpoints of the domain even when those viewpoints are not anticipated by the instructional designer; It can support multiple teaching styles in the one lesson.



  • @giwebb

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