
SAGE: system for algebra and geometry experimentation

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ACM SIGSAM Bulletin, 39 (2): 61--64 (2005)


SAGE is a framework for number theory, algebra, and geometry computation that is initially being designed for computing with elliptic curves and modular forms. The current implementation is primarily due to William Stein. It is open source and freely available under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL). SAGE is a Python library with a customized interpreter. It is written in Python, C++, and C (via Pyrex). Python is an open source object-oriented interpreted language, with a large number of libraries, e.g., for numerical analysis, which are available to users of SAGE. Python can also be accessed in library mode from C/C++ programs. SAGE will provides an interface to several important open source libraries, including Cremona’s MWRANK library for computing with elliptic curves, the PARI library for number theory, and Shoup’s number theory library NTL. There is also a tentative plan to incorporate an interface to SINGULAR (for commuta- tive algebra) and GAP (for group theory). The design of SAGE is heavily influenced by the carefully thought out and mature class structure of the closed source computer algebra program MAGMA. When possible, classes have similar names, constructors, and print representations as in MAGMA, and similar functions are available. However, SAGE is not meant to be an exact clone of MAGMA.



  • @yish

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