
Vertus iréniques et civilisatrices du chant sur le chant « l'association poétique des citharèdes légendaires (Amphion, Arion et Orphée) chez Horace et Silius Italicus »

REA, (2008)


Orpheus, Amphion and Arion were often cited together to exalt the power of vocal music which was perceived as the reflection of poetry itself. Horace emphasizes Amphion and Arion's civilizing deeds. whereas Silius Italicus praises the cosmic pacification produced by the songs of the three zitherists. A thorough analysis of their verses shows that the poet, who reminds the reader of the beneficial deeds of the mythical singers, aims at obtaining for himself the very same power he attributes to the singers. This evocation of the zitherists is conceived as a mise en abyme of the song and its virtues. In the second century A. D., Clement of Alexandria was to develop this theme further and transpose it into the Christian context to praise the power of the new song.



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